Look Out For These Signs of Winter Roof Damage

As a homeowner in Ft. Collins, you know that with the winter season can come harsh weather conditions and very low temperatures. Winter weather in Colorado can cause damage to your roofing system, and it’s important to look out for risks to your roof. By paying attention to the condition of your roof throughout the winter season, you can address damage ASAP and keep any roofing problems from getting worse. 

Signs of Winter Roof Damage

Ice Dams

Have you heard of ice dams? An ice dam forms when water drains to the edge of your roof and then freezes, forming a solid ridge of ice. Ice dams form after snowstorms, when the snow melts, runs off towards the gutters, and re-freezes due to lower temperatures around the perimeter of the roof. 

Ice dams pose a significant risk for roof damage. This is because ice dams keep water and moisture trapped on your roof for a prolonged period, elevating the likelihood of roof leaks, deterioration, and mold. 

Inconsistent temperatures across the surface of your roof is the main cause of ice dams. When the center of your roof is warm enough to melt any accumulated snow, but the edges of your roof are cold enough to freeze water, ice dams will form. This means that you can lower your risk of ice dams by preventing heat loss from your home, which will cause inconsistencies in roof temperature. Ensure that your roof and attic are properly insulated and ventilated. 

Condensation in the Attic

If you notice that condensation is forming in your attic, (most likely on the ceiling), it means that your roof isn’t properly handling humidity. This can cause your roofing materials, as well as the ceilings and walls in your home, to incur water damage. Ventilation is the key to avoiding condensation and excess moisture in your attic. 


Icicles develop similarly to ice dams - due to inconsistent roof surface temperatures. Additionally, icicles pose many of the same risks as ice dams, including roof leaks and water damage due to excess moisture. Ensure that your roofing system is properly insulated and ventilated to prevent icicles from forming on your Ft. Collins roofs. 

Inspect Before The Winter Season

As a point of advice, schedule a professional roof inspection before the start of winter. Winter weather conditions, from high winds to ice and blizzards, will place strain on your roofing system. If any damage is already present, it could lead to more severe types of damage, such as a roof leak. By taking the time to have a professional inspect your Ft. Collins roofing system now, you can save yourself the time, money, and effort that would be required if a problem with your roof got worse during the winter. 

During your roof inspection, the inspector will check for:

  • Damaged shingles

As the outermost material on your roof, the shingles are your roof’s first line of defense against the elements. So, if any shingles are damaged, your roof’s ability to withstand winter weather conditions will be diminished. Your inspector will check all of your shingles for damage and identify any shingles that need replacement. 

  • Damaged gutters

Your home’s gutter system is crucial to the proper drainage of rain, hail, and snow. The winder season is likely to bring about multiple types of precipitation, so you need your gutter system working properly. Damaged gutters could lead to poor drainage and water damage to your home and its foundation. 

  • Moss and algae

The formation of moss and algae indicate that your roof has a problem with excess moisture. It’s ideal to identify this issue before the beginning of winter, while you still have time to boost the durability of your roof. To help with excess moisture, the inspector may recommend improving your roofing system’s insulation or ventilation, or replacing certain roofing materials. 

  • Signs of roof aging

If your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, it may be wise to replace it. The fall season is a good time to have your roof replaced, and doing so can ensure that your aging roof doesn’t put your home in jeopardy during severe winter storms. 

To schedule a roof inspection, roof replacement, or roof repairs in Ft. Collins, contact Wood Street Builders today.


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