Understanding Your Siding Choices: Ultimate Guide for Homeowners

Siding Services Loveland CO

Siding strengthens your home and also makes it beautiful. In addition, it acts as an outer layer giving your home protection from weather and reducing maintenance costs. So, it's vital to pick sidings that blend with durable aesthetics to add value to your home. With different kinds of materials to choose from, picking the best can be challenging. So, here's a guide to the most common siding options to use when building or renovating.

1. Natural Wood

Natural wood sidings are the most common options. If you are looking for elegance, durability then this is perfect for you. You can use it to build, renovate new or historic homes. However, natural wood sidings are a good pick, long-term high maintenance, expensive, and prone to pests. However, it's easy to change color, eco-friendly, has high-end appeal, and comes in various styles.

2. Engineered Wood

If you are looking for material close to natural wood without long-term maintenance issues, engineered wood siding is the best. It's made from a combination of wood fibers bound together by polymer or resin then pressed to create a texture of real wood. It's available in various styles and colors, and you can choose a siding baked in color or one to custom for yourself. Additionally, it's eco-friendly, easy to install, and has a similar curb appeal as natural wood. However, it's prone to mold and mildew.

3. Vinyl

Vinyl is among the most popular siding options. When strolling around any street in America, it's hard to go without passing a house with vinyl sidings. People love vinyl for its price and the options it has. Vinyl has a wide range of colors and styles, ranging from boards, shakes, and panels. Additionally, it's easy to install, maintain, and also pocket-friendly. However, it traps moisture, is not eco-friendly, can lower the value of your home, and durability depends on the maintenance.

4. Fiber Cement

It's a composite siding and was invented in 1980 by an Australian company. It's made of wood pulp mixed with Portland cement as a binder. Fiber cement is so durable, and some of its brands offer up to a 50-year warranty. It puts together masonry and painted wood aesthetic appeal. Fiber cement is fire, moisture, and pest resistant, easy to maintain, and customized.

Additionally, it comes in different styles ranging from clapboards and panels. However, it's not a good insulator; it's expensive compared to vinyl and must be installed by an expert. If you want to buy and installed some siding in Loveland CO, be sure to talk to credible companies like Wood Street Builders.

So, if you are planning to build or renovate, you know what suits you. There are some common siding alternatives to make your home appealing.


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